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Hey there! Welcome to Wattpad! I am JJ a wattpad ambassador. If you need any help regarding anything on wattpad feel free to ask me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Just click on my profile picture and leave a message on my message board, or just click the 'Reply' option under this message to reply to me! Also don't forget to check out our various clubs through the 'Community' Option on the orange tab on top! You can also find stories according to their genre from the 'Discover' option on the same tab. So, I guess that's enough for now, don't wanna confuse you much :P But do feel free to message me if you just need someone to talk to. It is nice to make friends :) xxx Ambassador JJ Also, if you don't get a response from me within three days, make sure you post your questions at www.wattpad.com/user/wattpad This is the official wattpad page and it is there only to sort out your queries :) Also, do keep an eye on the official wattpad ambassador page www.wattpad.com/user/WPNinjas :) xx