7 days in and I'm already sick of pride month...
It's been over a year since I've heard of it and I still of no clue of its origins...
cuz ya know, the internet
Seriously how come no one knows what they're celebrating for??? If you don't know why, shouldn't you, oh, I dunno, a s k s o m e o n e ?
Am I the crazy one here, or is anyone else just as lost??
I really, really, REALLY hope this nonsense isn't put onto our generations children. Seriously. There are already things going on involving children being taught these things and it's absolutely sickening.
Children that age are, smart, yes, but they don't understand things like that. When you tell them "gay people love people of the same gender", they ARE going to misinterpret that. To kids, there is no difference between romantic love, or love of family, or anything else. Thus, they're gonna see a family member or friend of the same gender, think they 'love' them, and are going to think they're gay, thus damaging their mental state.
The #1 thing people refuse to acknowledge is just how unhealthy the lgbt lifestyle is. And, regardless what you think about the community and its motives, it's just sad. It's sad that so many more homosexual people die from STD's, AIDS, and so many other diseases. But ya know no one can talk about that being because being gay is JuSt sO pOSiTivE!
propaganda is k i n d a amoral, lgbt community. I thought you all hated Hitler so much? What happened?
I can't wait until the future when people look back at all this nonsense and scoff at how unhealthy it is and all the evil people that brought it into the public eye.