
Gah dayum it's kinda empty on here :(
          	Anyways, I hope y'all are doing good! I hope you guys are having a good Summer and Pride Month :) If you'd like, tell me what Summer plans you may have!!


Weeeelp, today's the day guys, I'm going to the doctors!!
          As... sort of exciting as it is to finally, well, potentially figure out what's wrong, I'm really scared TwT I HATE having to do medical tests and I don't wanna have them do that on me, my heart is racing thinking about it. I hope it's just a simple upset stomach that decided to last for some days mixed with other things like anxiety and not taking my meds
          I'm genuinely REALLY scared I hope things will be okay and it's not something big like gastritis or like... fuckin... I dunno... something that's dangerous


Sooooo, quick update...
          I'm still not feeling great :/ Although, I've noticed that, once I eat, the churning and most of the symptoms kinda go away for a very short time, then it returns
          My anxiety is still going through the roof so that's not helping at all, and I've been doing nothing but going through symptom checkers all day today
          Thankfully though, my dad is willing to take me to MercyCare (urgent care place) since our usual doctors office isn't open until Monday, and I just wanna get this figured out as soon as possible. As childish as this sounds, I'm hoping I don't need tests done. I also feel really guilty cuz my dad sounded mad at me for telling him how I've been feeling again :(( He was telling me that I "always do this" and "as soon as I don't feel good or feel slightly off, I start freaking out" which he's not wrong, but... he sounded mad
          He said he's not mad when I said sorry again, but anyways, I dunno how tomorrow will go. I just hope I'm not gonna have something severe


Heyyyy guys uhh... my anxiety is off the charts right now and I really need to get this off of my chest jfjfjkdks it's okay if y'all don't know what to say nor do, I just need somewhere to let this out
          So, for some reason, ever since yesterday, my stomach has been ABSOLUTELY KILLING ME like- I've been feeling extremely nauseous and due to my emetophobia I'm terrified of... ya know... getting sick. I've also been feeling hella bloated and full after eating something small. None of this has improved today and I'm over here doing symptom checkers and typing up causes of nausea and how likely it is for my case
          I'm genuinely so scared and my anxiety is going nuts. It mainly started after I had waffles with syrup yesterday, and while that does tend to upset my stomach, it's not usually for this long nor this bad.... so I'm terrified as to what could be happening and I'm scared it's something dangerous and that I'll die in agony or get worse
          Anyways sorry for the anxiety posting I'm just really scared


          Happy Pride Month!! :D I hope this month has been going well for y'all so far! Are there any events y'all are going to eventually? Any plans for this month?
          I'm personally hoping to make some Pride Month drawings of my OCs like last year, but I wouldn't be surprised if I'm unable to for whatever reason. I also heard there's a GSA parade coming up, so I'm hoping to be involved with that :]
          I hope everything goes well for you guys!! Comment down below what your sexuality and/or gender is <33 I'm a cisgender Pansexual female!


            We're an Agender trans pomosexual Omniromantic demiromantic polyamory male! Me personally? I'm a cisgender Bisexual Demiromantic male -Jax 


this message may be offensive
NOOOOOO THEY REMOVED THE FUCKING DMS I WAS GONNA PUT STUFF INTO A DOCUMENT IF NEEDEEEDDD NOOOOOOOO I DIDNT THINK THEY'D DO IT THIS EARLYYY NOOOOO WHAT THE HELLLL I had some roelplays from a friend or even just wholesome moments from friends that I haven't saved and now I can't :((


AAAAAAA one more day left until Wattpad disables DMs :(( Sad, but I'm planning on like- not saving the DMs cuz I can't do that, but probably making a document and placing DMs there. I dunno if they're literally gonna shut them down where you can't see them anymore, or if you can see them but can't type at all, I dunno, but... oooh maybe I could email them :0 Anyways though-
          Oh!! I wanted to randomly say this too, but today is the Orthodox Easter, so we'll be celebrating since my dad is Orthodox I'm pretty sure :) If y'all are celebrating that too, happy Easter once again!




@Princess_Monika_57 Exactly!! DMs are very useful and there's some things that need to be disclosed privately or like- spoken about only through DMs :/ Like- even if very few people use it, they could've done some type of like toggle feature or something where you show if you do or don't accept DMs or something like that, not full on remove them


@MakailaTheWriter some of my friends dont have anywhere else to talk :( also dm's are just useful in general!!