Hello again,
I finished reading your story, and since you were nice enough to give an honest review of mine, I will do the same.
I will say there were moments I liked in this. I enjoy the idea of JJ wearing the Green Ranger suit as a kid. I liked that Mihn got to team up with him, I liked Kat and Kim catching up in the fight, I liked the idea of Thrax going after the MMPR team, and I liked when JJ got to lead the roll call; that was cute.
That said, I do have critiques.
Because this fic is basically a giant fight scene, it doesn't feel like there's a lot of story here. In all honesty, it felt like a light retread of Once a Ranger but without the personal journey like what Mihn had that made it work.
As for your villain, despite Selena's fun-to-say name, I didn't find her character interesting. I think you could have leaned more into her working with Thrax and exploring their weird brother-and-sister bond. That could've made them stand out more in this story.
Lastly, we got spelling errors. Now, I'm not gonna get mad over typos because my story had a HUMONGOUS amount of them. I find new ones every time I try rereading chapters and have a ton to fix sometime in the future. However, there were a lot of run-on sentences, a lot of sentences that didn't end with periods or start with capitals, and in some cases, entire words were missing from some lines. I also feel you could've used the space bar to break up some of these paragraphs a tiny bit more, and written dialogue the way you did at the end of the story--character lines separate from the paragraphs unless necessary.
So overall, I think you have some good ideas here, but there is a lot of room to improve here and I personally didn't find the story that compelling beyond a few ideas.
Anywho, thank you again for the feedback on Zoo-Keepers and I hope you understand my points of criticism. That said, please don't ask me to read more of your stories UNLESS you make one without AI in the thumbnail, okay?