
Hey my dear children! I'm so sorry if you've been waiting for me to post another chapter in my Supernatural book #2. I've been really busy due to my family moving houses and also just plain exhausted with my school work. This is a heads up I will be posting a new chapter that will have something to do with Christmas because tis the faking season!! ⛄


Hey my dear children! I'm so sorry if you've been waiting for me to post another chapter in my Supernatural book #2. I've been really busy due to my family moving houses and also just plain exhausted with my school work. This is a heads up I will be posting a new chapter that will have something to do with Christmas because tis the faking season!! ⛄


Hello my lovelies  I've posted a new Supernatural book, you can go find it on my page. The reason I wrote this book is pretty much because my last book wasn't letting me upload new chapters but I am very excited and I hope you enjoy it.