
Hey, so there’s this flash fan fic book that I’m looking for and I screenshotted one of your comments because I thought it was funny. I remember the book. And the characters name her name was Emma and then her last name starts with an H I don’t remember the author name and i was wondering if you remember the author and if you could help me out like try to send me the book or the author’s name and page if it’s not there than that sucks but I just hate not remembering things from a book that I loved to rr and not remembering the author. Hope you get it and can help me out.


Hey I just wanted to let you know nothing in my comment refered. To you if I offended you with the message in any way I apologize.
          Best regards, Kermit-ze-frog


@Kermit-ze-frog there really no need to apologise, I'm not one to get offended, and, well... truth be told i don't even remember what you said altogether. so it would be odd if i wore to be angry.