
@salviulo12 Nope it's not over! It will be updated sooner than later. I'm trying I promise. And I know I keep saying that sorry!


Thank you, thank you, thank you so so much for supporting me. It seriously means so much. I feel terrible that it has been so long, and please don't feel I left everyone hanging. This story means so much to me. I'd like to start by saying I'm working on the next chapter finally. It will be up Wednesday at the absolute very very latest. Next I want to explain that there was a real reason the story was on such a long hiatus. For the last 2 years I've been having regular seizures. Not just once a month, 40 to 50 times a day. These events left me in a state of confusion all the time. I literally would not remember days at a time. It took everything I had to even function in day to day life. Computers were an absolute no go for periods longer than maybe 20 minutes. To be honest I was so completely out of it for most of the past two years I couldn't tell you my middle name let alone that this story even existed. It took these last two years for doctors to finally realize my periods of 'blacking out' were in fact epileptic seizures. Within the last month I've become fairly stabilized by medication so I'm finally capable of actually thinking through writing a story. Again I am so sorry, but please realize the wait was by far harder for me than it was for anyone else. I honestly do not want people feeling bad about anything that I have just disclosed. I'm epileptic and so are hundreds of other people. The darkest days of this are hopefully over and I'm ready to except the changes the condition has brought and move forward. From this point on I ask that we all focus on the story, which will hopefully from this point forward get the attention from the author it deserves. Thank you, every one of you again, so much.