
Just added chapter 12 to my latest book titled Journal of A Gifted Amateur pianist


I am curious as to who is reading my latest book Journey of a Gifted Pianist and not commenting on it. Not that one has to comment on it but I think it’s only one person that reads it because everyone I post a new chapter the reader count only goes up one number. If anyone could please spread the word about my above mentioned book for I would enjoy more readers and new followers. Which be appreciated.


@MalaMasa66 okay I’m going to add you now if you get a request it’s me


@MalaMasa66 i went to the doctors about three weeks ago and he said it could be a billion reasons why. I am taking medication that is helping me a lot. I’m not itchy and barely had break outs as I did before but I’m going soon to get my blood work done


@nicolekhoury33 that’s fine I just posted 3 new videos on my pisnogirl58 Instagram account I will look out for you. I don’t talk to anyone on Instagram either except for you now. I still have my other Instagram accounts but I don’t really use it much or at all . So I just use my piano account on Instagram.