
          	I'm alive. I didn't die (it was close, but I didn't), I got out of the hospital... And I'm fine.
          	But I have a 9 months long treatment and I'm exhausted, as my complete recovery will take as much time as the treatment.
          	The next chapter is coming, I still haven't finished it, but it is coming. As the last one, I still haven't started it yet.
          	Which means that I'll finish the story, don't worry, but it'll take time.
          	But I'm fine !


          I'm alive. I didn't die (it was close, but I didn't), I got out of the hospital... And I'm fine.
          But I have a 9 months long treatment and I'm exhausted, as my complete recovery will take as much time as the treatment.
          The next chapter is coming, I still haven't finished it, but it is coming. As the last one, I still haven't started it yet.
          Which means that I'll finish the story, don't worry, but it'll take time.
          But I'm fine !


Hi guys ! 
          So, I'm a bit stuck right now... As you know the last bonus chapter of "together we can do everything" was a leopika smut, written in Leorio's perspective. Next one will be a Killugon smut... Do I write it in Gon's perspective or 3rd person perspective?
          I nearly finished bonus chapter number 6 (which will be long) and already started number 5, I need to finish number 6 to start number 7, as it's the following of it and the official end of together "we can do everything". 
          I'm sick again, but trying to post as soon as possible! Bye bye and take care<3


Hi! So just so you all know, the bonus chapters of together we can do everything are not over yet! I just had a lot of problems and exams lately so... Couldn't post. But they are coming! There will be 5 more! I just nedd to write and finish them! So please wait for a bit more!