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My heart needs love my heart hurts from love I try so much to keep this smile on my face I do so much giving throughput all this pain but when will I feel exactly what I gave I can’t do anything but live out these hard days deep down inside I really don’t understand why I am this way why do I still love those who caused me pain Reflection of pain rain drops on a window seal Get a closer look inside the tears of the earths pain it’s a image of a reflection of the environmental surrounding far as my story goes it’s the same old gun volience and struggle poor mentality with nothing to gain but rip vigils inside a black and white coloring book painted pretty like my Gma use to tell me while crying getting my hair pulled and tugged beauty is pain which is the most stupidest bullshit I’ve ever heard To me beauty to me is growth patience love most of all that water to hydrate you soul & things may get alil wild every once in a lifetime but it’s the self conscious beauty that’s the goldeneye. Where did they’re consciousness go idk ♀️ idk idk mysteries to solve within themselves searching for reason to prove an image of god existence when we all exist In the flesh its a lot of possums playing dead in a Field of vultures dying to be seen in a fishbowl filled with Piranhas covered in fools GOLD it’s like a school of living prey inside a whirl pool traveling through another’s man foot steps took you alil far too soon creating a new path that fits perfectly like fresh pair of new NIKEforces “Just do it” it’s Power in creating self perseverance it’s sacredness too also seeking the hidden mystery within the worlds dark Hidden truth it’s worth more than working in a grocery check out line or even selling tooth Seeking and searching behind when is been NAKED CENSORED Right In Front Of You