
Good morning, 
          	I'm still on vacation but if things go according to plan, I will have the first bonus chapter (c.31) of Lost & Found dropping sometime in the following week. Not sure if it's gonna be a random drop or just the normal Friday-Sun scheduled drop. We gon see.


okay and i hope you're  enjoying your vacation.  


Good morning, 
          I'm still on vacation but if things go according to plan, I will have the first bonus chapter (c.31) of Lost & Found dropping sometime in the following week. Not sure if it's gonna be a random drop or just the normal Friday-Sun scheduled drop. We gon see.


okay and i hope you're  enjoying your vacation.  


We listen in don't judge....malc edition: 
          Haven't posted in 7 full days and haven't finished writing a single chapter even though I have 6 chapters outlined with a 
          Everyone say it with me....We listen and we don't judge.


@Malcc_3 lmao I quit ❤️


@skyepatriceeeeee here yo ass go smh 


By this time tmr, chapter 1 will be out *smile emoji*


Yes!!! Friend I’m so excited! 


Yes!!!! Clapping emoji 


I should’ve taken psychology as a major and not just a few classes because I really wanna know what makes my people do some of theeee absolute dumbest things possible. Why do they rap about wanting to get out the hood, finally make it big and rich, and still wanna stay stagnant with that ‘hood nigga’ mindset knowing you an even bigger target. Let GOD everrrr give me some money…yall gonna file missing persons report cause im gonna be out the way and quiet smh…


@Malcc_3  gone I tell you! OFF THE GRID


Because that’s all they know. When they rap about things it’s for the money not to actually make a better life for themselves. Some people stuck in their ways 


This part imma be on my own private beach chilling and blowing my damn wig back 


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Zac better than me lol. I’m over stimulated and high off emotions just WATCHING these two episodes. I would’ve cussed everybody out, even the producers! Cause all these ‘calm’/ ‘let’s go home/ ‘can we talk later.’ Would’ve had me Grand Canyon HOT. (But I don’t like zac going bat shit crazy when he got an adoption agency full of kids) 


@Malcc_3 man I was pissed for how all y'all lying to him and keep gaslighting him and then want him to calm down SMH I was actually rooting for Nate ass this episode and he gets on my last nerve lol....but Zac has every right to feel how he felt....I just hope he address Fatima and all that lying she be doing


@Simply_FreSh I’m all caught up lol, it’s too ghetto! They all killing me. 


I just watched the first 4 episodes of Zatima today and…whew chile the ghetto. Everybody pissing me off but Zac and usually he be the main one pissing me off. I actually like adding Preston to the show, talking about ‘kiss and make up’ and ‘cock a do da do’. Belinda and Bryce need to be together, both stupid 


Quick little update for everyone: I'm currently half way through chapter 5, I have the plot figured out up until chapter 9, idk what happens after that lol. In terms of when everything will be released. Disclaimer is coming out the 21st and the actual first chapter is coming out the 28th. IDK why I chose October tbh, both Zatima and Sistas is releasing and I actually wanna watch Zatima lol. I also had surgery this past Thursday so I have had a bit more time to write with no distractions, I'll give another update sometime later this week. 
          And this ain't a regular Zatima story...that's all I got for ya.