
          	I love Malec so much and they mean the world to me. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, Malec is a ship name between two handsome men called Magnus Bane and Alexander Lightwood. They are from an amazing book series called The Mortal Instruments that has been made in to a movie and TV series. The authors name is Cassandra Clare and she was the creater of this whole thing, we love her. The TV series has recently been cancelled for founding reason which makes no sense to me but we won't go into that. Anyway this show ment a lot to people and helped them through everything in life, we can't have this show taken away from us. So thats why we want everyone inside and outside the community to support this campaign or to just use these hastags. Thank you for your time, MalecWinchester out. #SaveShadowhunters #PickUpShadowhunters


          I love Malec so much and they mean the world to me. For those of you that don't know what I'm talking about, Malec is a ship name between two handsome men called Magnus Bane and Alexander Lightwood. They are from an amazing book series called The Mortal Instruments that has been made in to a movie and TV series. The authors name is Cassandra Clare and she was the creater of this whole thing, we love her. The TV series has recently been cancelled for founding reason which makes no sense to me but we won't go into that. Anyway this show ment a lot to people and helped them through everything in life, we can't have this show taken away from us. So thats why we want everyone inside and outside the community to support this campaign or to just use these hastags. Thank you for your time, MalecWinchester out. #SaveShadowhunters #PickUpShadowhunters