
I’ve been heavily considering rewriting book one. Before reposting book two. I just don’t agree with most of it anymore. And I don’t intend to change much of the plot. I think I just want to make it a bit better. 
          	I wrote it when I was younger and now I’ve grown so much and my mind has expanded... I want to apply that wisdom in my writing.  So I don’t think I will take it down..I’ll just change out some of the chapters. So those who are actively reading don’t worry the book won’t just disappear. It just might change, so sorry about that. 
          	For those who are still waiting on book two I’ll try to work on writing that again as well. 
          	I’m feeling better but I’m still not pressuring myself. Hope everyone is well !!


I’ve been heavily considering rewriting book one. Before reposting book two. I just don’t agree with most of it anymore. And I don’t intend to change much of the plot. I think I just want to make it a bit better. 
          I wrote it when I was younger and now I’ve grown so much and my mind has expanded... I want to apply that wisdom in my writing.  So I don’t think I will take it down..I’ll just change out some of the chapters. So those who are actively reading don’t worry the book won’t just disappear. It just might change, so sorry about that. 
          For those who are still waiting on book two I’ll try to work on writing that again as well. 
          I’m feeling better but I’m still not pressuring myself. Hope everyone is well !!


Hello, to any of my followers who still interact with community posts. I’ve had a very rough year emotionally and obviously I can’t speak about everything I have been dealing with on here.. but it has been incredibly taxing mentally, spiritually, emotionally and even physically. Every time I thought I was going to catch a break and everything was okay.. it just wasn’t. I’ve been depressed and anxious ( having severe panic & anxiety attacks ) so it overall derailed my focus and my quality of life deteriorated. 
          I haven’t written anything in months. I have, however, been thinking about new chapters and ways to improve the old ones so that’s a start. 
          I also have been reading more recently so when I get back to writing, I will be better able to connect with my craft like I once did. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 


@AstraeaGalanis  thank you sooo much! I’ve been offline for a long time and I just resurfaced recently and I’ve been feeling better. So I really appreciate this comment 


I also think I might just remove book two until I feel okay again to write as freely as I once did. Because I don’t feel like that and not updating regularly makes me depressed & overwhelmed and when I do get around to doing it.. the feeling doesn’t go away. Writing should be expressive, creative and most of all freeing and it hasn’t been feeling like that for a while for me. 
          So I’ve deceived that I’ll no longer write for an audience anymore but just for me. Like I initially wanted did & that made me happy. 


Hope you get the second book finished soon. Will wait for it 


I just posted a new chapter and yes it’s smut and yes it’s long asf. I’ve been trying to make it shorter since Christmas! Lmao I now give up and yes it might need a little more editing but I didn’t want to keep my readers waiting any longer.
          To those who still enjoy my work and love the long chapters:
           THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT and I love writing for you all. Love and light ❤️


Yaaaayyy. lol I haven’t been here in a while but this is a welcome surprise 


Uploaded a new chapter and it’s a little raw and uncut. Meaning it might need a little more editing but I just published it anyways cause I don’t want to delay posting them anymore cause I don’t think they’re perfect enough 


Just so you know that I’m not dead & for all those who’re wondering if I’m continuing the book yes I am. There’s not much I can say regarding writing and publishing other than life towards the end of this year has been pretty f**ked up. Lol & im an overachiever. A perfectionist. Plus I have a lot performance anxiety ( when I write or if I DONT write). It’s just I can’t work unless I’m at peace & completely in love with my work. 
          Which I am not. Well I’m no longer so depressed. But it’s still a little... idk.. 
          It’s just different because of all the things that have been happening. But I still try to write as much as I can or if I’m inspired. I still work on ideas and growing my characters. Just that I can’t post anything yet until they seem good enough to me. 
          Hope everyone else is doing wonderful! I miss being as active on here as I used to be. 


@Maleche_ I don't know what to say to this but I really hope you  get better 


Hey there! Long time no see... It's so wonderful to see that your potential is growing and your book Defiance is getting so many views since the time we actually met at Read4Read platform. I used to read your book in exchange of mine but your brilliant way of writings was what made me continue till the end. Your writing is brilliant and you deserve much more. Hope you are doing great!


Awww this actually made me smile so bright. Thank youuuu for those kind words and the encouragement.  Sometimes I really need it. Lately I found I was falling out of like with writing the entire series and that made me depressed & upset.. alongside other personal issues.  I just couldn’t stand seeing it or thinking of defiance. I occasionally think it’s not what I want it to be now because I can do better & in some areas the writing is lacking, just sloppy ( from my POV)  because of little focus given to some chapters than others. But I resolved that I’m now too far in the other books to try and fix it properly. Then it created so much stagnation and dislike inside me and it was directed at my own work, which eventually led to a complete block and disconnect. Thankfully I’m feeling much better now and I started writing again as well as falling in love with the plot again and comments like this just make it seem all the more worth finishing. So thank you very much, I appreciate this message more than you know :-)