
Well folks what is there I can actually say, Technoblade was one of the first Minecraft YouTubers I ever started watching and I made time to try and watch as many of his videos as I could and it was thanks to him that I got really into YouTube because from the Technoblade videos it all branched out from there.
          	I truly believe Technoblade never dies and anyone who knows him should honour his name as right now he's either sitting on God's throne already as his laughter echoes throughout heaven as the angels and God himself bow down to the Blood God.
          	He was truly one of the greatest men to ever live.
          	So I'm gonna end this off with shameful plugging just like he would.
          	If you haven't check out some of my stories that I hope you enjoy and be on the look out for new ones from me as I have been working on them and promise they will be dropping soon but above all else remember these two quotes as it will always be true:


yo sorry for asking ,you may have received this question over and over again but are any of your books gonna have an ending like at all because it's been a few years since you last updated some of your books and i'm just a bit concerned that none of them are gonna end so I would like some clarification on whether or not they will be continued and ended unless your dealing with something that is bothering you then I hope you can live without problems


@jellperson Sorry for taking forever to reply with this but in all honesty with my older stories I had been planning to rewrite them since looking back I felt I could do better but that along with all the other stories I'm working on currently, it's just been a while though my stories will have ends though I was also dealing with some stuff at the time but that's been dealt with so everything is fine now
