Malevolent: Oi, humans. I have returned. No, no; I have yet to leave my cave eternally, but, I have once more begun to type on this disgraceful human contraption.
I do believe a glamorous welcoming is in order. Ah, you may take your time. *The beast rumbles, massive core filling with a sort of laughter.*
Regardless, I have a mind to, perhaps, continue ascribing that tale of mine-- ah, what was it...? If I had titled it, I might have remembered, but alas, I believe that rested in the hands of my maid.
The small fingers on that one do make this much more simple, I must admit.
Very well. I implore you to "check" on the tales we have written. Moreso my own, but I am certain she would appreciate some... minor, small quantity of attention, no?
~Lord Malevolent~