
is it just me or is anyone else having trouble dealing with the concept that zayn is getting married. no hate please i just really love zayn and i always pictured me and him getting married and then knowing that its not gonna be me just made me cry and i have seriously been crying for 45 min it seriously hurts real bad and dont worry because i totaly respect them i just dont think i will ever be able to get over it........


@Maliks_Avenger78 reading this 8 years after they broke up is so sad to me omg


@Maliks_Avenger78 thirsty 4 Zayn much, yeah u r at least I can deal with the fact that he's getting married 2 Perrie!


is it just me or is anyone else having trouble dealing with the concept that zayn is getting married. no hate please i just really love zayn and i always pictured me and him getting married and then knowing that its not gonna be me just made me cry and i have seriously been crying for 45 min it seriously hurts real bad and dont worry because i totaly respect them i just dont think i will ever be able to get over it........


@Maliks_Avenger78 reading this 8 years after they broke up is so sad to me omg


@Maliks_Avenger78 thirsty 4 Zayn much, yeah u r at least I can deal with the fact that he's getting married 2 Perrie!