
Hey. Thank you for following. :)
          I hope you'll enjoy my work. :)


Haha.. We're all the same here. :)
            Feel free to comment suggestions or thoughts or whatever on my book, okay? :) I feel like i don't get any feedback. :/


@Deadgirlstellnotales Thank god! I was starting to think I was stranger then normal! hahaha I only stop reading when I fall asleep too! even though the next day I have no idea what was going on in the last six chapters I read hahaha it's crazy! & no worries I like that you reply!


Oh my god!! It's not just you, I know the feeling. I actually only stop reading when my eyes droop shut. I don't realize until 2 min later that I absorbed almost nothing on the page and I'm falling asleep, so I completely get it. ;)
            And, thank you so much. xD I love getting replies and replying.