EefRiq Apr 12, 2020 Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad Hello. I would like to ask your permission to use your character from Story Keepers, the Emily Stone. It is just for a fleeting mention in my book, but I would like to ask nonetheless. Ver 1 respuesta más MalkiaWaBahari @StoryKeeperOfficial yeah that's totally fine, sorry to get back to you so late Oct 06, 2020 • Contestar Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad
MalkiaWaBahari Nov 10, 2015 Reportar ComentarioEnlace al comentarioCódigo de conductaPortal de Seguridad de Wattpad Hey people!! I know there aren't many of you, but hello anyway! Ver 0 respuestas más