Pls. Read this. To everyone in the LGBTQ+ community.
I am raging so hard right now. This girl is fuckin' annoying, bitchy, and she can't mind her own damn business.
I swear, if I only I could punch her, I would. But please, stay safe. We already have covid. No need for anymore problems. But no
. So please read. Stay safe you guys! Especially those part of the LGBTQ+ fam. I love you guys! Now. Im gonna go destroy a punching bag. Or ten. My disgust for a homophobic person like her is 101%.
No offense to straight people. Im not hating on you guys. Just, its not her business. Next, their born like this. So bloody deal with it. An d lastly, we are all the same. How would you feel if someone just hates and disgusts you like that?
Im sorry for that mini fit. Love you guys!
Well, bye guys!