
Y'all, I cannot believe I'm posting this, but I GOT MY LAPAROSCOPY! I'm in the hospital overnight for observation and I'm still in pain. They got some big chunks of endo out and rescued my bladder, then rescued me from my appendix. Hopefully this means that in a few weeks, I can have some semblance of a life again. Thank you so much to all of you for your comments, reads, likes, and most of all, for caring about little old me even after so long. Sending love and gratitude to all of you! Wish me luck healing up, I'm gonna be helpless as a baby these next few days.


@timiwrites Thank you so much! My internal organs are still healing, and the hormonal therapies they have tried with me have been a DOOZY. I wasn't expecting that part to be so bad! I'm still earthside, though, so I'm grateful for that! 


@Malon144 I hope your recovery is going smoothly! 


@Malon144 thats good times coming, babieee!! yeah they censor a lot of emojis, idk why


Hey how are you doing? Hope your healths gotten better


@eclecticreads oh I'm so sorry, your in my prayer hun. I truly hope your able to get healthy soon.


@eclecticreads Thank you! Unfortunately, things are getting bad again and I'll probably need another surgery to excise more endometriosis tissue. I'm just trying to hold on for now, you know?


          How are you? 


@ Malon144  i can understand that. I am glad your doing better!
            Do you still see a doctor for days like this? 


@christybailey9 I'm so sorry that you have suffered so much. Congratulations, though, on your twins!
            I am doing better, but there are still days like today where I wake up in pain and then throw up and it's hard not to get discouraged. At this point I can't imagine what living life without daily pain would be like. I know it used to be normal for me, but it is hard to remember it.


@ Malon144  hi.
            I am busy but getting better. I have twins and a todler. 
            But te twins were born 10 weaks early. But they are doing well.
            The birth was very painfull. Because my little girl was stuck and her heartbeat was dropping. So the docter had to pull her out fast.
            But i am very thankfull with my 3 healthy children.
            I am sorry to hear you have not fully recoverd!
            Is it getting better? 
            I hope you Will have better days to come! And one Day i hope you Will have no more pain❤️


Just binge read your story.  I don't care how long it takes,  I'll be waiting for updates. I hope and pray that you are doing better from your last update. Continue to put yourself and your health 1st, just know you have another fan rooting for you!! <3 


@cleotac Thank you so so much! I am clinging to life and trying to get back into a place where I can feel enough to write. I spent so much of today nauseated, and I'm going through intense therapy for a lifetime of trauma. I haven't forgotten about my story for even one second, though, and it makes me feel so grateful that anyone still wants to read it. I am so glad you enjoyed it, and thank you so so much for your message!


Y'all, I cannot believe I'm posting this, but I GOT MY LAPAROSCOPY! I'm in the hospital overnight for observation and I'm still in pain. They got some big chunks of endo out and rescued my bladder, then rescued me from my appendix. Hopefully this means that in a few weeks, I can have some semblance of a life again. Thank you so much to all of you for your comments, reads, likes, and most of all, for caring about little old me even after so long. Sending love and gratitude to all of you! Wish me luck healing up, I'm gonna be helpless as a baby these next few days.


@timiwrites Thank you so much! My internal organs are still healing, and the hormonal therapies they have tried with me have been a DOOZY. I wasn't expecting that part to be so bad! I'm still earthside, though, so I'm grateful for that! 


@Malon144 I hope your recovery is going smoothly! 


@Malon144 thats good times coming, babieee!! yeah they censor a lot of emojis, idk why


Hi everyone, I know it has been a long time but I do have some news, both good and bad.
          Good news first, I guess? After almost 5 years of trying to find out about and treat my ever-worsening illness and four years after a diagnosis of "suspected" endometriosis, I have a surgery tentatively booked for the end of this month! I will need a while to recover and possibly even a second surgery depending on what is done and what they find, but I am shocked I've even made it this far. I won't go into my new symptoms here, but let's just say they're medically, uhh, fascinating.
          So now, the bad news. My 13 year old fur baby, whose picture graces the story my cats enjoy writing, passed away on the 28th. She battled two kinds of cancer for an entire year like an absolute bamf, but she had a rapid decline in the past month and we couldn't let her suffer any longer. There was no hope of recovery for her, and we had to let her go. I know she is in good company across the rainbow bridge, and that is my sole consolation. 
          As for my writing, right now I barely feel human. I have been debating a fluff story offshoot of Pajamas and have been collecting lots more inspo for that story as well. I keep hoping that as I recover from endo excision, I will be able to write more and perhaps go back over some previous chapters that need a little more help.
          I hope that all of you are well and enjoying life! If you are writing or reading any beast world stories, please drop them in a comment. I have so much catching up to do!


@Malon144 dw, I gotcha covered bb, crying is my jam  ❤️❤️


@FrankieGreag Tes, my dear and beloved Tes! I am not medically allowed to cry right now, but your message brought tears to my eyes. I love you and miss you! 


@Malon144 I was happy to finally hear from you, but heartbroken to learn of your furbaby... I'm so, so sorry. Thank you for giving us an update and please let us know if there's anything we can do to send a little love your way. My DMs will always be open to you ❤️ And please don't worry about writing if that stresses you out. Just focus on anything that can bring you some joy and peace now. Wishing you all the best, babie ❤️


Hi! I hope you're doing better. I just wanted to let you know that I love your story and I'm currently rereading it and reading it to my partner for the first time.  


@RiWolfe Thank you, I appreciate that so much! I'm so glad to hear he's enjoying the experience so much!


@Malon144 Sending positive vibes and hoping you get the help you need to make you feel better 
            He's enjoying the story quite a bit, I'm sure if it were up to him we'd be done with it already but I'm reading it to him and I can't read too much (out loud) in one go lol. 


@RiWolfe Thank you so much for your sweet message! It means so much to me. I'm not even close to better yet, but I'm doing my best to hang in there until I can get more help. I hope that your partner likes the story, and it makes me so happy that you have!


Hello!  Author @Malon144 how are you feeling now? 
          We (readers) hope you are recovering well..


@AprilAnnBatic1 Thank you so much for checking on me. I am so sick, I'm just trying to live one more day and hopefully get closer to getting my surgery scheduled. My kidneys, ureters, and bladder are starting to have issues, most likely because endometriosis is spreading there. I'm seeing another specialist for those issues, but I'm really hopeful that I can get surgery in time to remove any endo growing there and maybe get full organ function back. I'm seeing a pain specialist and they put me on a med that made me even sicker, so I'm doing my best to get that stuff out of my system while I wait for my next appointment with *that* specialist.
            All I want is to recover and return to some kind of fulfilling life, but right now I'm having so much trouble just keeping myself alive.
            It really does mean so much to me to get notifications that y'all are still here and reading, so thank you from the bottom of my heart. 


Hello my beloved followers, I know it's been a long time since you heard from me and I'm sorry for that. My health is getting worse quickly, and I will likely not be able to get surgery this year. I did, however, find a gynecologist willing and able to do an amazing laparoscopy for me as soon as I can get my affairs in order and on his surgery list. I need a pre-operation appointment with my primary care doctor (scheduled for next month) and a pain clinic who will provide my postoperative pain management. This is the tricky part, because the appointment I scheduled last month isn't until December, and I'm still not sure if they're a good fit for me. I'm just trying to make it through one day into the next, and to make sure insurance will cover all this. I just wanted to let you all know I am still technically alive even though I'm not writing, and THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 100K READS! You have no idea how much it meant to me to see it. Thank you for all your messages and support during this extremely difficult time in my life. I promise to do my best not to let you down, and to provide more beast world goodness to you as soon as I'm able!


@Malon144 sleep is good, it's when your body has more time to regenerate! Nap as much as you need and hope your pain goes away asap ;n;


@FrankieGreag Please don't worry, your sleep is very important! If I can message you, I can wait for your reply. I'm trying to rest today to end this pain flare, so I'll probably be sleeping a lot too!


@Malon144 I miss you too!! Feel free to hit the DMs whenever you feel like chatting, no pressure ofc!! I'll reply to u the moment I see your messages! Ah, just a lil heads up: my sleep schedule is all over the place and I might not see them immediately TT