
New Kinesis chapters every other Friday! :)


Heya guys. So this book is something I've been working on for a while and I keep editing and fixing it and I have so many plans for this series. But it all has to start somewhere right? My book is definitely something I'm passionate about and I really want you guys to read and enjoy it. Please just check it out and if you like it tell your friends! Updates are going to be a bit slow because I don't want to pour everything I have into this book and have it be a bomb. But if my views and votes and such reach a higher number I'll start updating more often. Plus writer's block is like my best friend lol. So just, you know check it out, and if you like it, vote, comment, and share! Enjoy!
           (p.s. I HIGHLY recommend reading the facts about this book before reading the actual book, just to save yourself the confusion) 
          Facts You Need to Know About the Kinesis Series:


@Maltonic  Shoot, I was just going to make something similar with the same name. Anyway, this is a great story, keep up the good work!