
the last chapter of Look For The Light is now published. I wanted to thank you for sticking with me through the story, and i wanted to thank you for the love and support . there will be more stories in the future <3. i appreciate you. 


@midnightsrun thank you! Look for the light was honestly one of my favourite books ive read and i have no complaints whatsoever about it. The last few chapters bought me to absolute tears yet they were written so perfectly i had to admire the talent within the words. Keep up your work and i hope more people find your books too <3


thank you for pointing out my mistakes! pls point out more if you see them !


@midnightsrun you're welcome! You're work is so good, I absolutely loved your book! It's a bit confusing as sometimes the characters pronouns change, like sometimes you describe ellie as 'him' but apart from that it's filled with pure talent