I am No longer active here. I have pretty much given on these stories for a few reasons:
1) I no longer care for them
2) I have zero inspiration for these characters.
3) I forgot where they were all were going.
That being said, I promised myself when I turned 18 not to leave these stories.
I made a startling realization the other week; the reason I lost interest is because, well? these are characters are wrong.
So! I have good news! I am going to be picking these back up, unfourtanely not here. Hit me up at my new place! https://archiveofourown.org/users/Mamadragon404
I am working on revamping these stories, and their characters.
In the next few weeks if I can keep the pace and upswing, These characters will be getting new Names! New Designs! and *drumroll* New Backstories!
Well, some of them are getting new names. PJ/Jen dragneel Nastu and Lucys descendent from like hundreds in the future? Shes now Nonbinary uses they/them pronouns and is now by the name of Jaimie!
Well, Thats all.
Emilia Dragon aka Jen.