So I've not written in awhile. I've got chapters waiting patiently to be posted. My mind has been elsewhere. Sadly there has been a death in the family. My beautiful Nan. She seemed so strong and healthy. But in 6 very short weeks we went from finding out she had lung cancer, COPD and only one kidney working at 7%. Being told she only had at most 6 months to her unable to fight anymore in such a small amount of time. In the week after I said my goodbye to her at the chapel of rest before finally sending her off with bright colours and balloons at a socially distanced funeral unable to comfort and be comforted by loved ones. Trying to keep up a strong appearance for your family because if one of you breaks it'll have a domino effect. Up until now I have been blessed not to lose anyone so close to me. But its really hit home how fleeting life is, how things can change one breath to the next. Be kind to one another we can't see the pain behind the masks we wear. Show the people you love how special they are to you we don't know if this time will be our last chance. Chins up, tits out. Live today like tomorrow will never come.