Tired and mentally unstable. :)

I'm the dancing queen.

If you don't understand my song reference then leave.
  • Дата регистрацииMay 6, 2017

Последнее сообщение
Mama_Wolfie66 Mama_Wolfie66 Jun 20, 2021 08:12AM
Lmao I’m not  gone I just suck at keeping up with this when I’ve just kinda moved into reading and writing horror. Yeah. Love y’all ❤️
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Истории от Mama Wolf
Spontaneous horror от Mama_Wolfie66
Spontaneous horror
As my lovely title suggests this is going to be coprised of my spontaneous horror story scenarios. Obviously...
why should you care? от Mama_Wolfie66
why should you care?
i'm 13 and live in a house with three older sisters and a younger brother. I have problems, like depression...
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Art  от Mama_Wolfie66
Initially I was going to delete this but I want to be proud of how far my art has come so if you see this you...
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