
ChApter 3 of The Reapers Embrace   is  up an ready to be enjoyed. I am super nervous  because  this is the first thing I have ever wrote to share. Please be  considerate :) I hope you all like what I have created 


Hey Patricia, thanks for adding Chagrin Confessions to your reading list. I'd love to hear your feedback, and I hope you enjoy reading ❤


@Tamytamz Well that's really sweet of you! Thank you ❤


@Tamytamz  no problem  you gave me a follow   i figured i could at least check out your work(i do that for every one who follows me :) ). I love finding new storys  im only a few paragraphs in an digging  it :) 


Hi Patricia, thanks so much for the follow and for adding Sex and Death in Skeleton City to your reading list. I really appreciate it. Hope you're having a lovely day! Let me know what you think of the book when/if you get around to it :)


@JasperRubyawww  thank you so much for reaching out I will  start reading as soon as I finish the high strangeness Trilogy it's on watt pad  so far. It's great if u like horror mystery type books:) 