
Now I took down the Universe roleplay because I’m making a new roleplay. I need 3 more people for this rp! Comment if you’d like to join in. There will be a chance to join once it’s out and published.


:) Thank you very much for the follow!


@NotSpecified Well thank you for the help while I used your book anyways. It gives me some ideas. Thank you for the good wishes and same to you.


@GrandMasterAnaris Aww, that's unfortunate. I'm sorry to hear that. I'm afraid this specificity is out of my depth. All I can really say is I hope the answer comes to you and happy writing.


I realize that in life, there comes a time when you begin to question yourself. You question your existence and your purpose as a mortal being. How can I live happily? Is what many ask, but there is no way to live happy, it is only a perception that makes you think you’re happy. Life is how you perceive it to be. We aren’t here to be happy, we’re here to learn and suffer. We learn the crucial points of existing, but we are to suffer. No one in life goes on to live without a form of suffering. Whether it be big or small. I witnessed my peers die one day, back when I was a grade school student. The world isn’t for everyone, the world isn’t sunshine and rainbows, for the dark clouds that loom overhead will never leave. You simply imagine them to be missing from your life. We fill our days up with trivial activities that mean nothing and will always mean nothing. It fills that void in our heart that none can satiate. But where is my form of filling? There is none. We believe we are happy when we find love because we are with the one whom makes us perceive the world as perfect. But where is my love? The world is never on your side, it will never be on your side. We can only live out our existences. Life is meaningless without purpose, but where is my purpose? No where to be found.