Randomly missing my old friends on wattpad *waves* hope you all are doing well <3
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Randomly missing my old friends on wattpad *waves* hope you all are doing well <3
Randomly missing my old friends on wattpad *waves* hope you all are doing well <3
Assalamualaikum hope you well, you are 1 of the very few who writes so well, captivating each character. I really do miss a good read, hint hint.
@ShafiaIsmail wa alaykum salaam and Eid Mubarak to you! Thank you for this sweet message !
Salam Remember me? I pray you are doing well in shaa Allah
As salaamu alaykum guys Hope you all are doing great after all this time So I haven't been updating, even though I said would be after I posted the last chapter on TWF. Truth is, I just can't get anything out. I tried many times to continue but I'd end up exiting the program with nothing but a blank screen in front of me. I would just get irritated with myself and so I eventually stopped trying. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be taking all my books off the site in the next few days, but I appreciate the support I got beyond the way words can express. When I began writing, it was something I did because it was fun, and I honestly never even expected anyone to find my books because there's so much available on this site. But you guys surprised me, and honestly there's no way I can say how much it meant to me. So thank you. Thank you so much. I was contemplating shutting down this account, but I do still enjoy reading here for relaxation so I'll be keeping it for now. Who knows what the future will bring. Take care and much love ManUrocks
@ManUrocks omwwww. I miss your writtinngggggg. I can't believe the books were out. DO COME BACK SOOONNNNN
@ManUrocks that's okay, you said you'll think about it and that's all one can ask for :) keep well and all the best x
@un-poco-loco I'm sorry :( I would have loved to hear your take on it...I will think about it yes, but not in the near future...jazakallah for this sweet message ♡
I miss you and your writing too much!!! Come back!!! ❤
Please update the "the wedding farce" soon... It's a really interesting story and I can't wait further
@AminaNoorain Oh, how I want to! But the flow that used to exist has long disappeared, and I wonder if it'll ever show up again...
Oi. Posso traduzir os seus livros para o português e postar na minha conta do whatpad? Estarei dando os devidos créditos em cada capítulo à você
Hey everyone! Though it's pretty sad that I've misplaced my writing abilities, I did receive a message from wattpad that one of my stories have been featured! How cool is that? What's not cool is that I have no idea which one it is, or where it's featured. Any idea how I can find out?
@ManUrocks but we need to have a nice chat and in depth one soon ....before I fall off the radar completely. -_-
I hope you enjoyed The Surgeon! ❤️
@WhispersConfusions Yes, you are lucky :)) I wish you all the best with your writing in the future Though, I might have ulterior motives for that...the more you write, the more I have to read !
Aww, thanks! Lol, I'm really just an introverted hermit XD I genuinely haven't left the house in almost a month, lol. But yep! Every month, give or take a few days. I let my readers vote on the title of the book, I write the general description, and then the characters pretty much write themselves. I'm lucky enough that the characters from Bo's series are willing to 'talk' to me nearly all the time. Makes writing them a lot easier!
Love your books Please update soon!!!!
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