
I have a lot of new followers and wanted to tell everyone who has recently taken the time to do so.  Because of all of you, I have decided to work on a revision of Behind Those Walls, as well as possibly go ahead and publish another story that I feel like I am constantly rewriting and never happy with.


Hello stranger! Just wanted to say thank you for reading my story, I deleted anything that might give away any clues about who I am in 'real life' as I'm trying to stay anonymous this time around! I can't get my head around writing the more...  mature... scenes with people knowing who I am which probably sounds really weird. But your reads are very much appreciated so thank you ❤️


@PerfectlyImperfect89 ah.  Sorry about that.  I had no idea or i would not have by name.  I pop on and off wattpad a lot.  I go months without being on and then i binge read.  I saw you posted a new story and was intrigued.  I went to message you on fb to tell you i was reading it but we got disconnected somehow.  So i figured i would just start leaving comments for you.  


I have a lot of new followers and wanted to tell everyone who has recently taken the time to do so.  Because of all of you, I have decided to work on a revision of Behind Those Walls, as well as possibly go ahead and publish another story that I feel like I am constantly rewriting and never happy with.




@DarkWolf13 I have been on and off.  I spend a lot of my spare time doing photography.  Always happy to chat though.


You're back... Again


@DarkWolf13 hi!  Long time no talk!


Thank you for following me


@nitalya I am very sorry to hear that you have been sick :(  


@Mandoonio sorry it is still unfinished x.x i have been sick for a long time and just have not had the energy to try to write. 
            i am glad that you have enjoyed what little of the book that is finished.


@nitalya No prob.  I started reading your story before and ran across it again, so I added it, and you, to read again :)


I have decided to fully edit and add onto Behind Those Walls.  The problem lies in the fact that my laptop screen has been broken for over a year and I am writing on my Nook.  So its a bit slow going.  Espoecially for someone who types over 100 wpm.  ugh.  Anyway, I will let y'all know as I update, change or add chapters.  I plan on ripping a few out fyi - so if you have a favorite warn me now!  hehe  So far I've added a bit to the prologue and am working on expanding the final chapter.  Well what was the final chapter.....


I was reading a story a while back about a girl who got sucked into another world through a fountain and while she was there she broke a mirror and had to fight a bunch of nasty creatures off because of it....I can't remember the name of it to look it up.  Does anyone know what story I am speaking of?