Hello, everyone out there in Gotham city!
Its been too long since we last spoke, and much has happened. Allow me to fill you in a bit. I've had enough, enough of being thrown out like an unfunny Jester. Enough of being slandered like a canceled comedian. Above all else, however, I'm exhausted from being used like a pawn. Like another featureless piece on the devils chessboard. No, I've not been made a pawn of, I've been made a fool of, and treated like a low value card in another mans hand.
I only have one option, and I accept it. They can throw me out, make me a victim of their lies, but I will not be used. I'm the problem that you don't want on your hand, I'm the card you should never be dealt, and when I'm brought out to play your best option is to fold your hand and to run away from the table. I am the wild card, the unusable one, The Joker, And I promise you that I'll always have an ace up my sleeve. HAHAHAHAHAHA!