
Hello everyone. You may have noticed that Rhapsody of Ice has been deleted from my stories archive list. That is because I have been offered a publishing deal and to avoid a conflict of interest or agreement violations it has been taken down by my own hand. If you are interested in reading it I will provide links to where you may purchase it the book. In the meantime, I will still continue writing fanfiction for all you lovely people out there. Love and light.


Hello, I just want to say I really enjoy your work and I wish you well if you are struggling or stressed. I would like to read your book you are writing someday cause your way of writing just sings to me. If you are ever struggling or just need some help or someone to talk I'm always open to listen. Hope you are having a good day.


@BrokenAngl Hi there thank you so much for your kind words I am deeply humbled. I will keep this in mind. 


Hello everyone. You may have noticed that Rhapsody of Ice has been deleted from my stories archive list. That is because I have been offered a publishing deal and to avoid a conflict of interest or agreement violations it has been taken down by my own hand. If you are interested in reading it I will provide links to where you may purchase it the book. In the meantime, I will still continue writing fanfiction for all you lovely people out there. Love and light.


Hey! I saw your comment on the Wattys. 
          Good luck! I wish you the best!
          Meet you at the top! 
          Love you :)


@MandyMichaud Thank you <3
            I’ll make sure to read your book!


            Hello there. 
            Thank you very much. Good luck to you too.
            See you at the top. 
            Much love. 


OK, so I am doing something I never thought I would consider doing I am entering the first book to my fantasy novel series Rhapsody of Ice into the Wattys. Am I nervous absolutely will this stop me from achieving my dream of being a full-time author no way!


So I scheduled myself for a COVID-19 vaccine on Saturday. Depending if I have any symptoms will determine whether or not I will be submitting more chapters in the weeks to come. Wish me luck. 


@MandyMichaud same I signed up for the Pfizer's vaccine. A friend of mine got it and all he had was a sore arm. 


@MandyMichaud I hope it doesn't give you any reaction


Hey everyone,
          So I was going to work on another chapter of Bride of the Demon King fanfiction however I had a little too much Saki tonight lol . The after effects of Saki have left me pretty tired so I will have to sleep first hahaha. Love you guys. Thanks for all your support. 


Hi everyone,
          I am so sorry for being MIA for a few months I've been very busy lately. I just started a new job and trying to adapt to a new schedule. Just so many things happening. I will update as soon as I can. 


@MandyMichaud it’s okay don’t worry about it just focaus on your self/mental health !!


oh I was about to ask if you were okay but I saw the discussion down below—


sorry I didn’t mean for that to send twice —


Of course!!!! (btw I’m the same person who always says great things with your fic if you look at the profile it’s covers with mine craft stuff—) ALSO DONT FORGET TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF PLEASE DO AND CONTINUE TO DO SO


@annoyingbush yes thank you for your concern. Currently working on the next chapter and hope to have it finished sometime this week. 