
I'm sorry if I haven't posted any new updates to Country Love, I've been busy and trying to do things on a small 7" screen kind of su*ks haha. At Tax time I plan to buy a cpu so maybe I'll try to get myself to write more in my books and then get them transfered to the cpu. I did kind of also lose track in my book and not sure how to go about it, but I am managing to try and get it ready and thinking of some stuff. As for my other story, Music Life, I will try to pick back up from that as well. I did however try to write a some what scary book but idk how well that one is goin idk if anyone would enjoy it or think its good. I just like to write books in my spare time, they do mean something to me but it's probably not a thing I would want to do for a living. So some times my stories come together and some times they dont and thats why I don't update very often bcuz I end up forgetting what I was going to write about. Hope all is well and enjoying their christmas week! Merry Christmas Y'all!! :)


@MandyRoo93 Sorry I meant The Life Of Michael not Music Life lol


I'm sorry if I haven't posted any new updates to Country Love, I've been busy and trying to do things on a small 7" screen kind of su*ks haha. At Tax time I plan to buy a cpu so maybe I'll try to get myself to write more in my books and then get them transfered to the cpu. I did kind of also lose track in my book and not sure how to go about it, but I am managing to try and get it ready and thinking of some stuff. As for my other story, Music Life, I will try to pick back up from that as well. I did however try to write a some what scary book but idk how well that one is goin idk if anyone would enjoy it or think its good. I just like to write books in my spare time, they do mean something to me but it's probably not a thing I would want to do for a living. So some times my stories come together and some times they dont and thats why I don't update very often bcuz I end up forgetting what I was going to write about. Hope all is well and enjoying their christmas week! Merry Christmas Y'all!! :)


@MandyRoo93 Sorry I meant The Life Of Michael not Music Life lol


Great news my fellow fan followers, I just bought a keyboard for my samsung galaxy tab 3 so I will start writing my books again in my note books and then transfer them to watpad afterwards. Have a great day! Country Love for sure will be getting another chapter, that will be the first one to start back up on. But I will only have time on the weekends to get them going.


Country Love update, I just bought a SG Tab 3 7 inch so I'm hoping to be able to update the book now as soon as I can buy a keyboard for typing. I'm very sorry this is taking a while I know some of you are waiting patiently to see more but I do have a busy life with work. I will try to make time on the weekends to start back up on my books. Thanks for the time :D


Once again I'd like to apologize about my work not getting done on some of the books. I have been sooooo so so busy that I haven't had time yet to put in for the books at the moment. I am currently out of a computer as well. I am using my cell phone to write this post and believe me its not easy as it would be compared to a computer. Hope all is well with everyone!


I know I haven't been on in such a long time and I am very sorry, chapter 6 for The Life Of Michael is taking some time. And the other two books I haven't been able to put time in for them yet, but hopefully soon I can start again on all three books.


I am writing another book my fellow readers, Now You See Him, Now You Don't it's a thriller/mystery and it will be posted up here soon, I just need to finish chapter 1, and as soon as chapter 1 is done I can post it up.