
Hi y'all! 
          	You might have noticed, but in case you haven't: I've created a new Tentacle Oneshots book!
          	I've left a lot of people dissapointed by suddenly quiting out of nowhere. That is mostly to blame to Wattpad itself by deleting my book without any warning. 
          	Sorry for not letting you guys know what happened, there was simply too much on my mind at the time.
          	As you may have read in the first chapter 'an apology' this time I've created a back-up. This way if Wattpad deletes the story again I can simply re-upload all the stories, since I'm pretty sure it might get deleted again.
          	Anyways, enjoy reading!


Hi y'all! 
          You might have noticed, but in case you haven't: I've created a new Tentacle Oneshots book!
          I've left a lot of people dissapointed by suddenly quiting out of nowhere. That is mostly to blame to Wattpad itself by deleting my book without any warning. 
          Sorry for not letting you guys know what happened, there was simply too much on my mind at the time.
          As you may have read in the first chapter 'an apology' this time I've created a back-up. This way if Wattpad deletes the story again I can simply re-upload all the stories, since I'm pretty sure it might get deleted again.
          Anyways, enjoy reading!


Hey there! I just found your one shot book and I really like it. It's pretty good quality. I have a request/idea for your next chapter. If you already have an idea then I won't message you because I don't want to be pushy. I know what it's like to be busy. If you are still open to ideas then just message me and I will share my idea. Thx for reading this message even if it doesn't have any effect! :)


Please update soon...


@Oooo i have such a kinky mind. And thank you ill pm you my idea...later.


@onyx_stormfirebot alright, the first part is up! Yes, first part, because it's gonna be two parts. The information you gave in your request was too much to put in just one chapter, so I wanted to make it in two parts. I'm free all day tomorrow however, so the second part will be uploaded within like 20 hours or so. If you have any ideas for what you want to see to happen in the second part, let me know, because then things are going to go down, literally ;) For now however, I hope you enjoy the first part!


Hi all!
          Zoals jullie wellicht al opgemerkt hebben, heb ik al een tijdje niet meer gewerkt aan het boek 'The Dragon Girl'.
          Dit is omdat ik gewoon de puf er even niet voor had gevonden, net zoals de tijd. Vanaf nu zal ik weer wat gaan uploaden, maar niet meer zoveel als ik van origine van plan was. Voor nieuwe delen moet je het dus maar gewoon in de gaten houden!
          Ook zal ik het boek alleen in het Nederlands voortzetten. Wie weet zal ik af en toe nog wat delen omzetten in het Engels, maar alleen als ik daar ook echt de puf toe vind, gezien het vrij vermoeiend is. 
          Dan is er nog even een tweede ding: Ik heb zojuist een nieuw boek aangemaakt, genaamd tentacle oneshots. Als je een beetje in de anime bent, kun je vast al wel raden waar dat naartoe gaat ;3 Ik had er gewoon echt veel zin in om het te maken, dus ik zie wel waar het schip uiteindelijk zal stranden x)
          Mocht er interesse in hebben, ga je gang en lees het :p Ik doe ook requests in dat boek, dus voel je vrij en laat wat comments met ideeën achter, als je dat soort dingen leest ^^
          See ya!
          - Your Writer


          Since my holiday began I've been way busier than before, because of my job and the driving lessons I'm following. Because of that I'm often really tired and really don't feel like uploading every day.
          That is why I'll be uploading less often from now.
          The uploaddays are:
          Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
          I hope this is alright!
          Until the next part!
          - Your Writer