
Why are people still reading the terrible fanfic I wrote ??? People, it ain't good :')
          	I moved over to AO3 now, and am going to write fandom fanfic over there
          	I can tell my user and/or post the fanfic over here as well


this message may be offensive
Hello, hello
          This zombie had kinda risen from the dead, and is getting killed again by school (especially, fucking. EARTH. SCIENCE. that subject can die in a ditch)
          I've been focusing on my irl life for these past few (around 5) months, and an feeling a bit better about writing 
          I'll do updates again, but frequent things aren't my style,
          Plus I've slowly been drifting out of the fandom, and towards MDZS and other Chinese dramas (they're really good btw^^ if you want to deep your feet in, look up 'Heaven's Official Blessing' on Netflix, you'll have to read subtitles but it's easy! It's a quick watch, which is coming with another season soon plus a live action :D)
          I'll TRY to get a chapter out this week, let's see how it goes
          Thank you guys for sticking with me
              A Lazy Ass Author


@ronyx_dragon thanks :)) I've been taking my sweet time :')


Hey, Kingdom Paradise is on Hiatus for now, I'm sorry
          I just started my Freshman Year of Highschool and I'm trying to get the advanced diploma for when I graduate in 4 years,
          I am also working on another story right now and it's difficult for me to write 2 things at once
          I'm not stopping the story, just taking a bit more of a break,
          I'm also thinking of re-writing Kingdom Paradise 'cause I feel like I lost the plot a bit
          But yeah, that's what is going on with me
          I love you all and I appreciate you guys a bunch ! See you all very soon !!


Sorry if it seems like I disappeared, I didn't
          I am working on an outline for another fanfic (not a ship one) that I'm putting on ao3 under a different account
          And, I just started my freshman year, so I have that
          I'm not a huge huge fan of Techno and Dream anymore, I like the beeduo more tbh, but I'm not discontinuing K.P. !! Just give me a bit of time
          You all have been very very patient, and I can't thank you enough for that ! :))
          And thank you for 1.22k and almost 29k reads on Kingdom Paradise ! Y'all are insane
          Thanks for sticking with me, I'll be back at it soon hopefully :DD


It's my birthday everyone !!
          I'll try to write tonight, idk why I can't ://


I'm so sorry for the wait, I've just been enjoying time with my family !!
          The next chapter of K.P. should be out tomorrow if I get my ass moving
          Again, I'm sorry ://


@Lesbian_Orca thank you ! And, I am, I'm getting my haircut today and then trying to sit my ass down to write 


@Simp_Muffin yess, hope you having fun<3


// NSFW asking 
          I think I'll regret asking but I asked before and I'm just to make sure you guys really want this before I write it 
          Do you guys want the next chapter of K.P. to contain NSFW writing ? Cause if you guys don't, I can change the write out plan for the chapter
          Just want everyone to feel comfortable, and I'm not the best writer with that type of stuff ;-;


@Shimizu_Izuki the only time when I will make someone feel negative is in my writing, since I can just blame the plot >:)))
            Totally not talking about K.P. btw