Hey guys, I know no one really reads anything but Don't Fall and Fallen at the moment but I've been writing Bucky Barnes and Sebastian Stan stories if anyone's bored. I also have a new original story I'm writing called Mr. Right Now that's kind of a thriller/drama type thing. The character of Ace is inspired by Seb but isn't actually him, if that makes sense so, again, if you're bored check them out. I post when I'm inspired so there's most likely more than one or two parts a day for stories that I'm inspired about at the time, sorry if its annoying.
Also thank you for all the reads, votes and comments on my MGK stories! I never thought anyone would actually read them but I'm so glad you guys are! Anyways, that's all of my rambling for today. I'm shy so I don't like to announce anything, so this won't happen again for a while! Lol!