Guys I’m one chapter into my fanfic ‘standards’ and HOW DID YOU GUYS MANAGE TO GET THROUGH 21 CHAPTERS OF IT.. I’m actually cringing so badly. Im trying to remember everything so I can work on the new chapters.
Guys I’m one chapter into my fanfic ‘standards’ and HOW DID YOU GUYS MANAGE TO GET THROUGH 21 CHAPTERS OF IT.. I’m actually cringing so badly. Im trying to remember everything so I can work on the new chapters.
Sorry guys.. I have a reason for not being here..
I betrayed you all for ao3.
I'm sorry (not) and I hope we can get over this (deal with it) but I'll still be here (sadly) and I'll be making a new dabihawks fic! (end me)
Sorry for not posting in a while guys
I'm working on my fanfic rn.
I'm so sorry I haven't been online for a bit, I'm just really invested with ao3 rn and the fanfics there are honestly awesome. I won't switch sites bc wattpad is my bae.
But it'll take longer for me to post so I'm sorry yall
Fans of my monoshin fanfic, standards, I am updating, just have some patience lol
Au revoir, til we meet again
My mom who I don't talk to anymore has a bf who added me on snapchat.. I took a Screenshot cuz that's mad weird.. should I tell my dad? What do yall rhink..