
          	For any of you reading Fox's Prey, I want to inform you that after two more chapter (so until chapter 20) I'll be on a hiatus. 
          	I honestly thought that I would have been done writing Fox's Prey by now but that doesn't seem to be the case. Of course I'll finish it, but I don't know when. I have a better idea about where I want it to go now but I want to write without having a deadline to keep up. 
          	So keep that in mind. And thank you. I'm so happy you all seem to like it so far. 
          	As always I'll be back.


Hi I absolutely love your stories but I have a genuine question. Now I’m not saying this to be rude at all but I’m genuinely curious if you’re aware of all the grammar mistakes in the stories. There is a ton. Makes it kind of hard to read. Then again it’s worth it for the content. If you would want to collaborate, I could proof read before you publish. I would be more than happy to help if you would like. Thank you for being you! 


Alrighty! I totally hear you. I would be more than happy to help you out if you find a way that could work for you! Just let me know. I could give you my discord or email if you’re interested in the future. Keep writing great stories :)))


@Aerothebear Also I write for more than one fandom.


@Aerothebear I'm aware. Since I write and edit myself I know I can't catch every mistake. The way I work I write drafts of stories before officially publishing the drafts I've written. I try to edit them multiple times before I post then but I'm only one human.
            Also it's kind of you to offer but I don't know how it'll work on Wattpad. Years ago I had some else offer the same thing but considering Wattpad doesn't have co-writer option it became a hassle. Especially for me. Maybe for them too because they never asked to help again. 


          For any of you reading Fox's Prey, I want to inform you that after two more chapter (so until chapter 20) I'll be on a hiatus. 
          I honestly thought that I would have been done writing Fox's Prey by now but that doesn't seem to be the case. Of course I'll finish it, but I don't know when. I have a better idea about where I want it to go now but I want to write without having a deadline to keep up. 
          So keep that in mind. And thank you. I'm so happy you all seem to like it so far. 
          As always I'll be back.


          Woah!!! I can't believe it's been almost a whole year since I've posted, I know I've posted two or three one shots but it's been so long. 
          I'll be honest, I was not as productive as I wanted to be. I did so little writing for my SanZo stories and focused on my FF15 (NoctisxPrompto) fanfics. It also doesn't help that I was so focused on a new discovery of mine... Danmei!!! (Chinese Bl)
          2ha...tgcf...svsss...mdzs...thousand auntum.... all of it. 
          I've even started writing 2ha fanfic, so because of all that I might not be posting on Wattpad. I feel like Wattpad is where I post SanZo stories while my AO3 is where I post all my stories. 
          I will be posting Fox's Prey, I know you all voted for that one but I've been procrastinating on finishing it. I have like 17 chapters already written but it's not done, I also have the outline for it done I just need to write it but... I'm just not feeling it. 
          Anyway I hope you guys see this... I know most don't but I just wanted to give you all an update. 
          Hope you all had a wonderful year, holiday, rest of the week and happy early New Year. I'll see you all around next year.


Love your work you do a good job at keeping the reader on their toes like "becoming one" I like that you slowly eased the reader into the Omegavears adtrabuits love your passion for Sanji x zoro it's also my favorite one piece ship well any hope you keep writing and sorry about my ranting I hope you have a good day/night


@anime_only_plz thank you for the comment  


Hope everyone is having a good new year so far.
          This announcement is to let you all know I’ll be taking a break. I don’t know low long it’ll be. Minimum it’ll be six months, max it’ll be year. I don’t know. I want to get a head of writing stories especially since I’ve been writing two stories from different fandoms. I haven’t stopped since covid happened. I also know you guys have voted on The Fox’s Prey as the next story and I want to get that done, but I have so many ideas. I want to write without worry. Also get a head of writing. You all know I like having my stories either all written out or at least five to ten drafts ahead. Plus I have school to worry about. 
          This is goodbye for now. I’ll see you all soon.
          Also, just because I don’t post stories doesn’t mean I won’t comment back on a story, I’m still here and still be around.


Take a break and come back when you ready! You are the first person make me come to Sanzo and love them, hope you’ll have a good break and a happy new year ✨


Happy New Year’s also I’m so glad that you were able to write so many stories so I understand that you need a breaklove ur stories don’t stress and I’m wishing for your success and prosperity 


Wow!!!! It's my birthday today!!!!!!!!!! I'm one year older, don't feel all that different. Since it's special I'll post a chapter today :)


Happy Birthday!! 


@Mannygirl99 Many more Happy Returns Of The Day!!!


@ Mannygirl99  Happy birthday
            I wish you a good year in which all your wishes come true✨️


Hahaha I should be writing more but I'm too busy playing Monster Hunter Rise.
          But in all seriousness, I've finished writing Become One so ill be posting that next. I've also been busy writing for my other fics (not SanZo) in the background. I know I had you all vote but I just found those interesting. I'm also working on Peach Festival so don't worry about that. Since my summer break started all I've been thinking about fanfiction so this is a nice break.
          I've been procrastinating on The Fox's Prey because I have the outline finsihed but I want to add more but don't know what? Maybe comment some scenes or something you want in a SanZo, I don't know?
          Hope you all get excited about Becoming One.


@Mannygirl99 I meant fairy tail SanZo story in the works.


Sorry for the delay, I've been trying to update a new chapter for Beautiful Mistakes but for some reason Wattpad just deleted all the draft for the story so I'm trying to find a way to recover them. I know it's not all lost, on my phone and Ipad that I use to write with those drafts are still there so it's only on my computer. I'm trying to get it updated so hold on guys.


It happened once two years ago. The app kicked me out while I was on the draft for my story and, it didn’t save for some reason. I hadn’t written a lot, so it didn’t care that much, but I’d recommended having a backup if something like this becomes common. 


@SpaceWaste33 does it happen often for you, this is like the second time for me. I've never had a problem before?


I hate when that happens. 