
Hello Sammy :) a few weeks ago I saw that you accepted my prompt for a Miraculous Ladybug Fanfiction. 
          I was super excited for it to come out and repeatedly checked your page.
          Today I saw your letter to your readers that you're giving up writing. I understand there is nothing I can do to change your mind, but  I'm willingness to try. 
          Sammy, I don't know you very well- heck, I don't now you at all- but I know writing. And it can be really hard being an author, because you may loose interest in the story, or simply start thinking your ideas are dumb. But may I tell you a secret?
          It's like that for everyone. As an author you read and reread your pieces, your chapters, your sentences- all the time. You go over it again and again to make sure it's "perfect", and so expect what's coming in your story, meanwhile your readers, who are reading it for the first time- don't. 
          The most important thing about being an author- in my experience, is to just keep going. 
          Because when you write something, and put it out for the world to see- you often get feedback. 
          Feedback helps you grow in the world of writing and helps you develop your ideas. 
          If you're still reading this I pray you give it a secound chance. Because, your readers- no matter how many or little there are- are routing for you to keep going. And I know you won't let them down. There is no failed when you write.


Thank you for you input, I was already thinking about beginning to write just not posting. I will certainly start the fanfiction but no promises I'll post it soon, I will take your advise. Thank you.


*btw sorry for the grammar mistakes, I was typing fast*