
I think everyone must read this masterpiece, it makes me addictive and obsessive in a whole new level, even my obsession and attachment with Mariah Carey can’t compare to this. I’ve re-read every chapters at least 20+ times and never get bored. The dialogue and conversation between protagonist and every character is so realistic, so fascinating. This is the only boyxboy book i’ve ever read that has the potential to be published and recognized worldwide. 


Omg you’re a brilliantly talented author and i’ve been re reading your Color me black book numerous times.. love ya and hope that someday your will get more recognition and acknowledgement and success as it deserves. And i can buy your book on Ibook and amazon.. 


I think everyone must read this masterpiece, it makes me addictive and obsessive in a whole new level, even my obsession and attachment with Mariah Carey can’t compare to this. I’ve re-read every chapters at least 20+ times and never get bored. The dialogue and conversation between protagonist and every character is so realistic, so fascinating. This is the only boyxboy book i’ve ever read that has the potential to be published and recognized worldwide. 


What's wrong with straight people? 


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And what I like is just my thing, don’t affect anyone’s business, so go ahead and live your fcking life why being so serious and triggered about my favorite and shit


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The thing I said is that I don’t believe in the long lasting durable and steady relationships between boy and girl in this society anymore, i’m a straight whiny bitch and I always met a corky cheating death deserving bastard, so I just care about those gay stories ok, not that i’m offend anyone it’s just i’m saying what i fantasize or interested in or fond of which means gay people love story, get what i mean?


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What do ya mean? Straight or gay or whatever the fuck is still a human being, the wrong thing is in their personality and their mind not based on their gender