
S I don't want to be the first person to say thais but everyone should know about the coved-19 so yes we do have a lot of time but some people are also sick and ded or dieing just remembered that when you are reading a story that randomly stops and the person never send anything. 


S I don't want to be the first person to say thais but everyone should know about the coved-19 so yes we do have a lot of time but some people are also sick and ded or dieing just remembered that when you are reading a story that randomly stops and the person never send anything. 


Hey I love your profile pic and hope to read your story soon! Follow for follow?
          -Loony Mellark


@Jbooks77  sarry about my rood ok I was busy that day nice to meet you too 


Oh that is cool I love all those books too! It's nice to meet you Lily And I hope we can talk soon!
            -Loony Mellark