MALAG: But... Why do u have so many?
AMARA: ...
ISHTAR: It's because 'Legend of Aurora' isn't it?
MALAG: What am i missing?
AMARA: Nothing. Legend of Aurora is just a discontinued story i wrote when i was eleven.
ISHTAR: It's not only that! It's THE story. The ultimate crossover!
MALAG: What do u mean?
AMARA: Legend of Aurora is a crossover i came up with when i was 11. It was the ultimate crossover, where all the worlds came together, wakfu, the dragon prince, avatar... All came together in the magical land of Aurora. I tried writting it, but i never finished it... I had no knowledge of writting. SO I started making simple crossovers, like Inglorium and the Gods, and the Scriptkeeper.
ISHTAR: Legend of Aurora was your first book on wattpad, tho
AMARA: Yes. And it is my dream and objective, to one day finish it.