Why does my younger sister hate me? We are two years apart, and I am really nice to her, but she always despises me. If she wants something, she gets it. She yelled at me for trying to show her a cool video. Once I slipped and fell on the door while she was exiting, and I told her I was sorry. I got in trouble, mom thinking I did it on purpose, as my sister told her. I wanted her to go live with her dad, but they came back. They ruin my life, terrorize me. I dont WANT them around. Mom only wants what she wants. I dont have my own room, so I never have peace. My whole family makes me want to die, or run, or murder. Of course, I would never do these things, but I don't care about life anymore.. are they mean because im a teen? Does she hate me for being older? I DONT WANT TO BE HERE.