
Laura's writing contest
          	Submissions for March contest are open :)
          	Theme: an unexpected twist


           My novel 'The Pact' was chosen as a staff pick on Honeyfeed!


My latest short stories are really weird, i wish i could go back to writing those soft emotional  stories that make you feel good
          but i remember when i wrote those i thought
          It would be nice to write something else than slice of life
          It seems like i always want to write something else than i am currently writing


Yay My story "Purple Haze" got 2nd place in Laura's writing contest

          Thank you so much :)
          It is really cool to try to come up with a story for specific theme. Normally at first i have no idea what to write but as i get more excited about entering contest ideas slowly started to flow and in the end i manage to write something nice
          March's theme is an Unexpected Twist
          So now i am like "how i make interesting plot twist with 2000 words?" but i guess soon i will get some ideas :)
          If you want to give it a try here is a link to Laura's contest :)


Hi there! I just wanted to share the results of this month's writing contest at the link below.

          I'd love to feature your story on Underground Bookshelf. If that's OK with you, please let me know. Great job - I always look forward to seeing what you've written!


            Of course it is ok :)
            Thank you for holding this contest. It is really inspiring to participate in it


Hi mara. I'm new to Wattpad and the algorithm recommended me to you. I don't know if you're interested in fantasy, but I have a book called Falter that is in that genre. It's still ongoing but I would like for you to read it. Is that fine by you?


@Lamzdaone Hi Welcome to wattpad :)
            I love fantasy so i will add it to my reading list


Writing Contest
          Join a writing contest held by my friend Laura and be publish on her website if you win
          Not your typical Wattpad contest. You don't need to follow anyone or tag your friends (but it would be nice if you spread the word)
          and if you win Laura will feature your entry on her website
          February's theme : Romance