
;//cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY CHARACTER and/or drop things/spam me also specifying the character so I know who to reply as <33
          	Characters can be found in bio ! Also have Lily’s MBs up if anyone wants to interact with gif starters :)


;//cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY CHARACTER and/or drop things/spam me also specifying the character so I know who to reply as <33
          Characters can be found in bio ! Also have Lily’s MBs up if anyone wants to interact with gif starters :)


;//cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY CHARACTER and/or drop things/spam me also specifying the character so I know who to reply as <33
          Characters can be found in the bio !


*smth soft from James on here I mean


/ smth soft from James maybe?
            Any mood from Sirius on @lycanscarz to?


;//cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY CHARACTER and/or drop things/spam me also specifying the character so I know who to reply as <33
          Characters can be found in the bio + feel free to check out Lily’s mbs where there are gif starters :D
          Slowly working on the others so don’t worry !


          ( this used to be @/MagicalHeadmaster- )
          Albus Dumbledore is still here ( cause let’s be honest couldn’t really get rid of the man’s </3 ) but this is now a multi character anon ( now featuring the Marauders + Marauders era related characters ! )
          cbs ( spec optional ) + SPECIFY CHARACTER and/or drop things/spam me also specifying the character so I know who to reply as <33
          Characters can be found in the bio as it’ll make this post way to long if I put them here XD … sorry …


;// cbs ( spec optional ) and/or drop things/spam me <33
          ( preferably drop / spam <3 )
          Also feel free to tag me in things I need to reply to because I’m honestly the most forgetful person ( how I got a job idk but here we are XD ) and for that I apologise ++ I’m currently sick again so my forgetfulness only worsens >.>


“Sir? You wanted to see me?” { the Gryffindor prefect would speak out softly as he peeked his head into the headmaster’s office after he was told to go there because dumbledore wanted to speak with him.} “this isn’t about that prank James and Sirius pulled the other day is it? I told them not to. But they don’t listen very well to me when I said no to certain pranks.”


// here’s a drop :)