Hello! My b-day is July 14 so I'm ♋️Cancer yay. I really love Bnha, so I make fanfics and stuff. All art here is owned by me except for most of the covers. But as far as my profile pic and mostly what I use in stories are mine. Please stay with me, and join my never ending story.
  • SumaliApril 14, 2019


Huling Mensahe
MarbeDraws MarbeDraws Apr 24, 2019 05:24PM
Get ready, should I make a reader x (insert character) or no? If so, comment which one!
Tingnan ang lahat ng mga usapan

Kuwento ni MarBe Draws
Bnha: Weird love ni MarbeDraws
Bnha: Weird love
"LEAVE ME ALONE" "I-I don't want anything to do w-with you" I ran off, screaming internal...
ranking #65 sa bakugoxkirishima Tingnan ang lahat ng rankings
2 Mga Reading List