Bird & Fish Productions consists of two best friends, Luje/Fish and Marbles/Miss Bird who both write, draw, and are HUGE nerds.

Bird: Formally known as LurkingBird, my account had been shut down due to my parents not enjoying what I was writing (I mean... Can I blame them?) and them finding out I'm bi. This is now an account I share with a friend. I want to get back into writing again and re-connect with all the amazing authors I lost contact with when the account sank. So if you randomly got a message from me when I haven't voted on your books yet? It's me! I might not be on as often as I'd like but I'm trying until I can get out of this damn house or get a better way to access wattpad on an app. I am going to try to start ending my messages with an xx so you can tell the difference between my friend and I.
I Missed you All!!!

Fish: mainly draw and have an ongoing comic I think I'll put on here if Wattpad handles images ok. I also have an art blog where I put edits up ( ) I do write on occasion but dont expect a massive output. Since Marbles has a signature Mine will be >>.
Get ready for the worlds best-orchestrated shit-show!

  • Hell Definitley
  • JoinedAugust 27, 2017

Last Message
MarblesWontDie MarblesWontDie Sep 03, 2017 03:21AM
U hurt my bird childU gonna die xx
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Story by Bird & Fish Productions
The Gays Of NYC by MarblesWontDie
The Gays Of NYC
The Gays of NYC is a Youtube fanfiction following Markiplier through his life in NYC, there will be many (gay...
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