
Ne­ver fear sha­dows, for sha­dows on­ly mean the­re is a light shi­ning so­mewhe­re near by.
          	The­re is no sin­ce­rer lo­ve than the lo­ve of food.
          	A lie can be hal­fway round the wor­ld be­fore the truth has got its boots on.
          	Al­ways for­gi­ve your ene­mies; nothing an­noys them so much.


Ne­ver fear sha­dows, for sha­dows on­ly mean the­re is a light shi­ning so­mewhe­re near by.
          The­re is no sin­ce­rer lo­ve than the lo­ve of food.
          A lie can be hal­fway round the wor­ld be­fore the truth has got its boots on.
          Al­ways for­gi­ve your ene­mies; nothing an­noys them so much.