Hi, I've already commented my concerns but I'll say it here just in case you didn't see them. Your writing is just AMAZEBALLS. After reading Freaks of Greenfield High, I just couldn't get enough so I purchased the whole bundle thing with the whole trilogy. I've read the first two books without a problem and I enjoyed every word. Freaks Under Fire was only 269 pages long. I'm pretty sure something went wrong and I could send you pictures of the lack of pages or something if you'd like proof or something. I'm just dying of curiosity as to what happens and it sucks Bc the books stopped right where I read about what Sixer did. I feel so betrayed but I have hope that he didn't hurt them :/ I JUST DON'T KNOW AND MY COPY OF FREAKS UNDER FIRE DOESN'T HAVE ALL THE PAGES AND I'M JUST SO UPSET RN BAH! *sigh* Please help, @MareeAnderson coz I payed for the trilogy after all :( I'm dying to know the ending. AND WHAT ABOUT SAM AND BEA? LIKE DO THEY BECOME A THING OR WHAT?! DOES SETH FIND ANYONE?! MARG? SALLY? Idk. The pages aren't there. Help. Please.