
Hey all! Guess what? Finally got the next chapter of Ghosts and roses going. Fine tuning it but.... it should be up tomorrow.  Started reading again so it got the brain going. Why did none of you tell me about ACOTAR btw? Love you all 3000!


Hey all! Guess what? Finally got the next chapter of Ghosts and roses going. Fine tuning it but.... it should be up tomorrow.  Started reading again so it got the brain going. Why did none of you tell me about ACOTAR btw? Love you all 3000!


Posting a story right now. But it's one that is short. Tonight livi took her last epileptic med. Something I always thought i could only dream about. Write about. But wouldn't come true. Happy Thanksgiving 


@MargaretRGrant This is such fantastic news for you both. xxx


Hey there my favorite punks. Working on some new stuff. It's been forever I know. I got a recharge after the Trio of Trouble weekend. It was much needed. I hope you're ready for this new one. It will be a while. But it's probably a good thing. This is going to something way off my normal. It's going to get a bit weird to warn you. It's something that has nagging me to write though. I'd suggest reading One night in Boston, Life Changes, Hard Decisions and Scandal while you wait. It won't be as long as you think I promise. Also Ghost and Roses is still in the works! I have had an over flow of ideas. It will just take a few to get them cleaned, written and edited.
          Love you all 3000


Which we definitely will do! Already talked about the next time they come here on the fall! When the leaves are at peak! Again thank you so much for being such a big part of our journey ❤️


@MargaretRGrant you were living in the moment and there’s nothing wrong with that. Just gives you an excuse to do it again!


@kiabsn it was awesome. We had the best time. So much so we didn't take many pictures. We completely forgot. In between tattoo time, laughing, Mexican food with margs and just enjoying ourselves we forgot :(


Happy Halloween my friends! A lot going on right now. 1st yesterday was Cindy's birthday! Please wish her a happy one. Today was my favorite holiday of all time. And tomorrow? Tomorrow the trio of trouble will be together in person for the first time ever. I'm beyond excited. I will be making sure to take tons of pictures. You will be seeing a "story" of it all here. So many of you have been so invested in our friendship in my stories that I only think it's right you get to see it in real life. These women have been the best thing that ever happened to me. As I told you cin and I have met up a couple times, but meeting Amber for the first time? In 4 plus years of online friendship is going to be so emotional. Then all of us? Being able to hug. To laugh and have fun together? It's going to be epic. I want to thank all of you that have either commented or messaged me about their relationships with friends like we have. It brings me such joy. So keep your eyes out my dear readers. The real trio of trouble will be revealed soon. Love you all 3000. In every universe I am forever on your left. Til the end of the line. 


Happy belated birthday @cindysantiago-makely!! Wishing you all the very best time! I’ll pretend it’s a quartet and that there’s room for one more friend as I feel like I’m missing out on amazing friendships with you all. Could just be my only child feelings coming out. LOL
            But have the best time and I can’t wait to hear all about it!


@MargaretRGrant And I can't wait!!!!! Just a few more hours!


Ya'll. Still can't believe this is really happening. For my readers that always comment on the trio. We did actually meet all because of a Hiddleston fan group. Cindy (another amazing writer on here) and I have been able to get together twice. However Amber has not been able to make it until now. We have all been friends for almost 4 years. Fb message endlessly every day of it. But neither Cin or I have met Amby in person. Until now. Well, in 16 days I should say. We are all beyond excited. I'm hoping to take all the pics to share with you. These two women are my family. The one we made. And I couldn't be prouder of them both. There will be lots of tears of joy and big hugs. I may tackle Amber at the airport in DC. I can not express how blessed we are to have each other. And to be together? Lots of laughing. Inside jokes. Tattoos. Mexican food with a bit of tequila maybe. I want to thank you all for your support and love. Your kind words, some saying they wished they had these kinds of women in their life. I'm so grateful. We will absolutely be thinking of you all. And for CHRIST SAKES CIN 16 MORE DAYS!!! 


@kiabsn thanks my friend! So many pics ! Lol


I’m super excited for all of you!! Can’t wait to hear about it soon! Safe travels and here’s to making memories *cheers*


So update on life and my writing. I have been struggling with the dreaded block but last night I had a moment of clarity so there is new things coming to Ghost and Roses. Also, the countdown has began for the trio of trouble get together. I have been blessed to meet Cindy a couple times but Amber hasn't been able to be a part. Until now. 4 years after meeting in a marvel fan group. We will all be together soon. In only 39 more days. A couple days after Cindy's b day. And some before Amber's. In my stories I write about us being so close. Being together. And know finally it's coming true. Cindy and I are both writers on here, and we know that we have to post all the best moments. Because you, our readers have been so much a part of our lives. Our friendship it doesn't seem right to not let you in on the moment we are all together for the first time. So November 1st. I will be going live  on my boom of faces. Kristen Lanctot. I hope you join us. We would love to share this amazing joy with you all!!! 


Wow. One Night in Boston just hit 14k readers.  I never thought one person would like my writing, but this? Only one thing can be said in this moment. For Christ sakes Cin!!! Thank you. For everything. Thank you for believing in me. Thank you for lovingly pushing me back into this. Thank you for being my bestie. For completing the trio of trouble. You got me out of the worst spot in my life. By just being there. Making me laugh until my stomach hurt. That's when I realized the life I was living wasn't what I should be. You are truly a Phoenix. You pulled me up through the ashes of a sub par life. When you came here, it felt like you came home. Where you were always supposed to be. I'm so proud of you. My published author. Check out Cindy Santiago on Amazon... who is published TWICE now. Her latest is Lessons in love. Heaven with the trio of trouble in that story. And... the professor may be modeled after the god of mischief.  Just saying. Anyways. So proud of you Cin! Love you 3000, till the end of the line. In every universe I will be on your left punk! Xo


@MargaretRGrant First of all, congratulations on 14K. That's so amazing and I'm so proud of you. All I did was nudge you so your talent can be free. I'm so lucky to have you as a bestie and you have pushed me to be a better writer. Thank you for that. Also for all your support. You and Amber have become such an important part of my life and cheer me on when I feel low. It means the world to me. I'll always be on your left!!!!!!


Ya'lll it finally happening! Nov 1st the Trio of trouble will finally be together for THE FIRST TIME EVER IN PERSON! So excited! We surprised acindy today with the news! 


How exciting! 


@Clilliesandroses so many pics. I was shaking and crying today after everything was set in stone!