join me as I unfold the enchanting tale of Mari Chan, a spirited newcomer at Hanamaki-Higashi  High, and Shohei Ohtani, the charismatic baseball prodigy. As Mari's infectious positivity sweeps through the hallways, Shohei finds himself drawn to her magnetic energy. In the corridors of Hanamaki-Higashi  High, friendships blossom, dreams take flight, and destiny weaves its intricate threads. Will Mari and Shohei's paths intertwine in a dance of fate, or will the winds of change lead them in unexpected directions? Dive into this Wattpad story, where the magic of destiny meets the echoes of laughter, and the heartwarming journey of Shohei and Mari begins. 🌟⚾️ ShoheiAndMari #IwateHigh
  • JoinedJanuary 8, 2024


Story by MARI Ohtani
Iwate High: A Tale of Smiles and Home Runs by MariOhtani
Iwate High: A Tale of Smiles and H...
Join Mari Chan as she embarks on a vibrant journey in "Iwate High," a heartwarming fan-made story...
ranking #1 in ohtani See all rankings